It seems Johnson & Johnson knew about hip implant defects. Many cases involving defective products stem from a mistake or mishap during the manufacturing process. These generally slip by inspectors unaware, an oversight or human error, which can be difficult to process. How can a company miss something so important? Yet, it doesn’t mean manufacturers are not held accountable for their negligent actions.

What makes these types of cases even more difficult to process is when a manufacturer is fully aware of a problem, yet does nothing to correct it or warn the public. This can cause outrage on behalf of victims of the defect. Unfortunately, that is the exact case with Johnson & Johnson, which apparently knew about a defect in metal hip implants they constructed.

It all began in 2010 when DePuy ASR hip implants were found to have a significantly high rate of failure. The manufacturer issued a voluntary recall.

In 2011, Johnson & Johnson conducted its own study on the rate of failure, downplaying the percentage of patients who had experienced negative consequences from an outright malfunction. But that wasn’t the only problem. There were also patients sustaining injuries when metal particles broke down and entered the bloodstream.

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