Class Action Cases

Home/Class Action Cases
17 04, 2020

    FDA Requests Immediate Removal of Zantac from Stores

    By |2020-11-25T14:41:51+00:00April 17th, 2020|

    On April 1st, 2020, the FDA announced the removal of all over the counter and prescription drugs that contain Ranitidine. This mainly includes the heartburn medication, Zantac. The FDA has found that NDMA is [...]

    16 04, 2020

      Class Action Vs. Mass Tort: What’s the Difference?

      By |2020-11-25T14:41:51+00:00April 16th, 2020|

      You might have heard about “class action” cases through television commercials or other ads. They typically ask if one used a certain product or drug and have suffered an injury. [...]